Have you been involved in an evolution exhibition or outreach activity that you would like to share with others?
Or do you happen to know any evolution exhibition or outreach activities (preferably in your country) that you think could be showcased as examples of good practices in this field?
EuroScitizen WG3 is very interested to learn more about your examples of evolution exhibitions or outreach activities! So, we kindly ask you to please share with us your examples through this form, open for entries until November 15, 2019. Thank you for your time!
For more information, please see below the FAQ
What kind of activities can be submitted? A non-exhaustive list of activities includes exhibitions, workshops, guided visits, training, field trips, school activities,citizen science projects, podcasts, video, popular science articles/books, VR, conferences/round tables/science cafes, posters, MOOCs, games, …
What will the data be used for? EuroScitizen WG3 aims to identify good practices of evolution education activities, taking place outside the regular classrooms. Thus, we need to learn from the community of practice what is being done in this field and what are the main and characteristic features of the distinct projects (exhibitions, etc.). Building on your input, we aim to identify and describe good practices through projects you chose to be showcased. Making the results public will be used to inspire others and help them further improve their own projects.
Why should you fill in this form? By submitting information about your evolution exhibition or outreach activity, you will help us build a stronger foundation to identify good practices. This will further be distributed to the community of people engaged in such activities. If the project/activity you describe can be considered an example of good practices in evolution education, it will be showcased by EuroScitizen, further enhancing its public visibility and recognition.
Further action. If you are willing, you may volunteer to be interviewed by your national representative to the COST action. In order to build an even better understanding, WG3 is further carrying out a short interview with respondents that tick off on the survey they are willing to be contacted. We also ask for you to send us a copy of the survey/questionnaire that you have used in order to evaluate your activity (the one used by you/your institution for an internal assessment/evaluation of your activity. Please attach this form if you have been using one)
What if your project is not selected to be showcased? EuroScitizen WG3 aims to bring visibility to Evolution exhibitions and outreach activities across Europe. So, all projects submitted to us will be displayed and advertised in our map of activities in EuroScitizen website.
Thank you for your time!
EuroScitizen WG3 team