If you feel enthusiastic about the opportunity of collaborating with other Action members and going to their institution for a Short Term Scientific Mission, and you consider it would benefit the interests and objectives of the EuroScitizen COST Action, and increase the visibility of our network, we strongly encourage you to send an application.
If you are interested in applying please do so following the how to apply section below until 20th February.
For further information on STSM- see our Q&A below and you can always get in touch with the EuroScitizen STSM coordinator (ozgulyahyaoglu@gmail.com).
What is an STSM?
Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are an opportunity for building networks, gaining new skills and knowledge with short-term visits to another institution. If you are interested in applying for STSM please see the information below.
Who can apply?
- Everyone with an official affiliation and strong motivation on promoting science
- Everyone who is a EuroScitizen member (see here on how to become one)
- PhD students and ECIs are particularly encouraged to apply, but every EuroScitizen member can get an STSM.
Applicants should take in consideration that:
All Euroscitizen members and one who is not a member of the action but with official affiliation and e-cost profile can apply. Please
see here on how to join.
- The STSM has to take place until the 30th of April
- The host institution has to be a participating COST Country Institution (or an approved NNC (=Near Neighbor Countries) institution, or an approved IPC (=International Partner Country) institution, or an approved EC/EU Agency, or an approved RTD (=Research & Technological Development) Institution, or an approved International Organisation)
- duration of the STSM is minimum 5 days and maximum 90 days. According to COST rules and regulations, ECIs (=Early Career Investigators) may apply for a maximum of 180 days
- Applicants need to be willing to pursue a visit which contributes to COST Action CA17127 with its outcomes. Please see our website for details on Working Groups and their objectives.
The selected participants will granted with:
- Financial support for their travel, accommodation and meal expenses in line with the eligibility rules detailed in the Vademecum (max 160€/day)
- Note that only the STSMs applicants are reimbursed, not the host institution
How to apply?
- You have to find an STSM host (see above for conditions about host institutions), someone you would be willing to collaborate with. Either you already know the person you would like to collaborate with or to find one you can start by browsing here the list of EuroScitizen Management Committee members.
- Contact the potential STSM host to inquire about the possibility of an STSM and discuss and elaborate a plan for the STSM (duration, length, topic, working plan, timetable: those things will be asked in the application form on eCOST)
- Go to your eCOST and apply for an STSM (you can find here online registration step by step)
The applications will be evaluated by the STSM committee based on the MC approved criteria.